Martin County Historical Society


Preserving The Cultural Heritage of Martin County, North Carolina

About Us

The Martin County Historical Society Inc. commits itself to all things related to preserving the cultural heritage of Martin County, North Carolina.

The Martin County Historical Society was founded in 1957 to collect, preserve and promote the historical and cultural heritage of Martin County, North Carolina.

The 501(c)(3)organization is overseen by a board of directors with officers elected from the membership. Membership is open to any interested individuals or groups. Fees are assessed annually. As a benefit, members receive a quarterly newsletter with advance information of events, programs, publications and interesting historical highlights.

The Society owns and manages a valuable collection of archival and genealogical resources related to Martin County.

Since 1978 the Society has owned the historic 1831 Asa Biggs House in Williamston, NC. The Biggs House is the Society’s headquarters and depository for many historical documents, records, photographs and artifacts. The house belonged to U.S. and Confederate States Judge Asa Biggs (1811-1878)

Queries, questions and comments are cordially welcomed and will be answered by volunteers as time and resources allow. Encouragement is also given to persons wishing to donate historical materials relevant to Martin County. The Society appreciates monetary contributions and provides documentation to facilitate tax deductions for these contributions.

Membership is $15/year.   You can join the Martin County Historical Society by completing our application and mailing it to the address on the form.  We hope you will join and become active.

The Historical Society meets on May 14, 2024, August 13, 2024, November 12, 2024, and February 11, 2025,  at the Biggs House at 100 East Church Street, Williamston, NC, 27892.  All meetings are at 5:30 PM.

Please read our Bylaws.

For more information, please email   The Historical Society has a new telephone number, 252-508-9441.  Please leave a message and someone will return your call.

Board of Directors
President: Wayne Peel
Vice President: Fred Harrison, Jr.
Recording Secretary:
Treasurer & Book Sale Coordinator : Shirley Wilson

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