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You can purchase books from the Historical Society. A price list can be found at this link.
We also have a Facebook Page.
Our Mission
The Martin County Historical Society Inc. commits itself to all things related to preserving the cultural heritage of Martin County, North Carolina.
Upcoming Events
For an up-to-date listing of all activities, please follow this link.
250 Year Celebration
The 250 Committee is continuing to meet. On July 2, the committee voted to pursue a “Martin County Cultural/Historical Museum”. If you have suggestions, please email
The Biggs House
The Biggs House
The Biggs House is owned by the Martin County Historical Society. The house has been repaired and is maintained by the Historical Society. If you wish to tour the Biggs House, please email
The house is open for tours on Wednesday and Thursday from 1-4 PM. Also, please complete our survey about the Biggs House.
For interviews of Martin County residents and other information about our history, please visit our MartinCountyNCHistoricalSocietyYouTube channel.